This year has been a
blessed year
I know that I can try to
say these things that I am so thankful for
But I am not even sure
that I will be able to express myself
As well as I wish to
#1-first and foremost
I am thankful for my
His support and love
help guide me daily
Without him I would
definitely fail
You are my partner and I
love you
Thank you for being you
#2-I am thankful for my
Karen-your strength and
your maturity has amazed me at moments over this past year
I know you don’t
recognize all of these differences
But your smiling face
tells a different story
I love you so much, even
when you don’t see it, so don’t you ever forget it
Bethany-your intense
spirit and independence constantly surprise me
I know how hard these
first few months of school have been for you
I am so honored that you
were open with me from the beginning
Together we made it work
and seeing you laugh and happy again
Makes it all worth it
I love you so much and I
trust you, and that is something I can’t even begin to explain
Lucy-after last school
year’s horrible beginning, you struggled through
I am so proud of your
perseverance in that situation
I think opening all our
eyes to all the schools in this city
And having the time to
look at them all
Is going to be a great
I know all you want in a
school is friends and sports
And we will make that
happen, and more
I love you and can’t
believe my baby is growing up
#3-I am thankful for my
Nana & Grandfather
Your unwavering support
during this past year and half, and longer
Was noticed in so many
ways, even if we couldn’t always express ourselves
The girls know you are
always on their sides, good or bad
And that is priceless
and beyond worth
Joe and I know that you
are there, no matter what
We both love you and
care for you, and thank you for everything you have done
#4-I am thankful for my brother in law, sister in law, my only niece, and my special nephew
Your continuous
encouragement and attention has kept us going this year
Even if we felt we
couldn’t make it
We can always count on
you for beautiful flowers to celebrate the occasion
I love each of you and
treasure your cooperation in this mess
I hope you see that and
feel it
#5-similar to Lucyi at
her candle lighting
I am thankful for myself
Somedays I prove myself
wrong and can be strong when I felt weak
Sometimes I shock myself
with what I can accomplish
And when there are days
that I just want to hide under the covers
I do know you are there
if I need you
Sometimes I just don’t
know how to ask
Thank you for helping
me, giving me the words when I can’t say them myself
And knowing I will come
around when it is time
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